Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Inspiration by Kozol

I can honestly say that my favorite theorist that we've read from our articles during this class was Jonathan Kozol. Kozol seemed like a very carrying, outgoing man who truly cared about making a change for students everywhere. He believed that schools that did not have the material things and resources other upper class schools had should not go unnoticed or ignored. He told in his article of first hand experiences of stepping into inner city schools and seeing what the students and teachers had to put up with. This included walls falling down, floors slowly deteriorating, and leaks within the buildings whenever it would rain. He also elaborated on the problem with racism in our country. Kozol explained how racism is still a huge issue a lot in school systems and this type of treatment was also unacceptable and something no one should have to put up with. Noticing that these conditions were unacceptable for any school and students to have to learn through , he began to take steps towards making a change towards a better educational life for these children who experience the unprivileged school life.

A big thing I noticed even the first day I went in for VIPS was the condition of the school. All the walls were in tact and the floors didn't seem to be deteriorating, but it was a school that had the appearance that I have not seen a lot. Mr. Snow's classroom was very bland. A lot of the desks were not in the best shape, and I noticed the carpet was very old looking and was coming apart on all sides. The classroom did not have computers, except for the one on the teacher's desk which did not even look in use.

One day sitting in the classroom, I noticed during my observation a lot of pictures made by the students themselves hanging on the walls. The pictures included images of flowers, and others were of superheroes. Curious, I asked Mr. Snow if the pictures were a certain project that the children had to do. He told me that every year he asks his students to draw, just draw. He asks them to draw whatever comes to their mind, whats their favorite thing or maybe a favorite day they had. The purpose of the children doing so was to make the pictures for the sole purpose of hanging them up around the classroom. Mr. Snow realizes that the school lacks some resources, so to make his classroom feel a little more friendly and elementary-like, hanging up pictures the students make themselves is a great way to do so. I asked one of the girls in the classroom Bella what her favorite part of the classroom was. She answered that it was the pictures all the students made. She said she had a lot of fun using her imagination to create a picture of what she called a candy palace. She also said how great it was to be able to come in the classroom everyday and see her picture hanging on the wall with the other children's and how it made the classroom a lot more fun.

Mr. Snow's decision to do this project with his students reminded me a lot of Kozol. He noticed that the school lacked some resources and used that to work with the students to make the classroom a more friendly place. It was good because the children loved to do this. The students got to use their imaginations and apply it to a classroom they had to spend almost everyday in. I have to say Mr. Snow surprised me. My other visits gave me the impression that he was not the best teacher and did not handle certain situations the way a teacher should. Although I do not agree with a lot of things Mr. Snow has said or done, this proved to me that he took the time with his students to make just a little difference in his classroom.


  1. I thought your entry was very well thought-out and well connected to the speech by Johnothan Kozol. I agree that he was my favorite theorist to learn about this semester, and it deffinetly helped to have him at our school speeking in person. A big part of the student's level of sucess depends on their environment and availible resources. We have learned this year through our readings such as the articles by Ira Shor that the teacher's relationship with his or her students must be strong and trusting inorder for the student to thrive in the classroom and later on in life. I believe that the classroom and school establishment itself have a big impact on the student's ability to concentrate and learn materials. It is unfortunate that Mr. Snow's classroom is in bad shape, however I think its great that he makes it much more warm and inviting with the student's drawings. They must feel very proud of the pictures they made being adorned on the walls for everyone to see, and they get to show off their materpieces when parent's come to visit the classrooms aswell.

  2. I think the same thing goes for the high school I am at. The school walls are bland but ms. x uses the students work and other things to make the room interesting. The one thing that would bother me that if i was in schools would be the fact that not all the materials are there that i need to work with. it would bother me if supplies were not available. It would also bother me that I would have to supply alot of supplys for the classes that I teach. I would want to have the supplys or anything else at my disposal. I think that everything is ubtainable but it just takes time and patience. You have to know how to get what you want and still "you cant always get what u want.
